Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blustery Day

It's Saturday and it's cold, windy BUT at least it isn't raining :)

I just got back from leaving my son at his first SAT test. My husband is helping a friend put up siding. Our girls are with my MIL and I'm off to run errands.

I plan on getting something done in the house today (if I'm here long enough).

Be back soon...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh, Beautiful Sunday

It's a lovely Sunday. The sun is shinning the birds are chirping the sky is a beautiful hue of blue and how am I enjoying it you ask??? Organizing my daughter's closets.

We have been blessed to have such great friends who pass down clothes that no longer fit their kiddos. My girls are 3 & 4 and they wear sizes 5 & 6 and a girlfriend of mine has two girls ages 7 & 8 and when she cleans out her closets....let's just say we hit the clothes lottery! This has been going on for about 2 years and let me just say...I don't have enough space! The clothes have now occupied 2 closets, one dresser and at least 2 laundry baskets. I've have asked DH to please put in two more closet rails (one in each closet) but after 2 years...nothing. I can't wait anymore. I've thought about installing them myself but then ran into this at WallyWorld. I put it together hung in the closet and tada! An extra rail to hang clothes. I only bought one thinking I may not like it but I was wrong. I will be returning to get at least 2 more.

I'm off to finish up.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Late Night

I didn't leave work till 8:15 so getting home 3 hours later than usual didn't leave a lot of time to do much. But I am determined to do at least one thing to get a grip on my household duties. So, I sat and folded a whole section of clothes that were pilling up while watching Without A Trace. Oh, AND I put everything up. That's what seems to be my downfall....I do great with the washing, I'm mediocer with the folding (meaning I don't fold as soon as it's out of the dryer, it just kind of sits in a basket) but I completely fail with the "putting away" part of it. I can have 3 whold baskets folded and then I get up and start doing something and before you know it we're in the middle of the week pulling clothes from the floor that were once folded. So, anyone passing by would think "gee, she really needs to fold clothes". I'm pretty happy with myself for lastnight...I just have to keep it up.

I'm gonna work on getting my pic up for my organization idea for hair "pretties" tonight.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's On!!

I love this blog! Sarah is so creative and Thrifty. When I saw the Mission: Organize & Declutter I got really excited. I've already organized all the girl's "pretties" (hair bows, clips, ribbon...). I'm having trouble with my camera so, I may have to post a pic later.

There are so many ideas already posted I can't wait to go through all of them. I really thought I was the only one who couldn't get a grip on the everyday duties of keeping a house clean and organized. But now I know there are others out there and we are all in this together. So, I look forward to getting and giving great ideas to get our homes Organized & Decluttered.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I hate being sick!

Well, I'm not off to a good start, am I? Maybe January wasn't a good month to start this only because work wise it's the busiest month for me. Not to mention this cold/allergy thing I have going on.

I'm not giving up though. I've already made a list of things that HAVE to get done in my house. I wrote down each room in the house and listed what needed to be done. I mean I could stand in any given room at any given time in this house and just feel completely overwhelmed and frustrated. I didn't know where to begin and trying to figure where to start was even worse. It would be so bad that nothing "major" would get done. I would end up doing something that was unnoticable. Does that make sense? I'VE HAD IT!!!

This weekend I tackled my living room. I vaccumed up all the things that get caught in the cushions, I went through all the detail work with a clean tooth brush to get all the dust out of all those little crevises. I'm a pretty visual person so I think this will be good. The best part is checking items off. My list is long but my desire to get this house organized and the way it should be is stronger.