Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Crafty-ness (part 2)

As promised (albeit a little late) are some pictures of my jewelry crafty-ness. After doing this I realized that I haven't taken enough pictures of my jewelry. For the record I am NOT an LSU fan but I made a ton for my friends to sell at a game and took a nice picture but I have no pictures of my UT Longhorn pendants of which I AM a fan. I also made OU, A&M, Texas Tech and many others but alas, no proof. The picture with the two pendants shows a Scrabble Tile Pendant on the right. I made a TON of these and this is my only picture (sad).

I would like to thank my awesome, smart, crafty, gun totin' (biceps and triceps) friend Erica from Haphazard Happenstances for introducing me to Picasa and showing me how to make my pics AWESOME! I love it! It was so easy to install, it was fast, free and it uploads all your pictures in lighting fast speed.

I'll be sure to take pictures as I make more pendants and other jewelry. Take a look at my
next project....I can't wait!

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