Monday, November 23, 2009
Gotta Have A 'Girl's Night Out'!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I Love Reconnecting
I have to admit that I was very hesitant about doing it in the beginning and after I opened an account I didn't post anything or even put a picture up. But then out of nowhere I started getting requests for friends that I had lost touch with and now I'm all over FB. I have reconnected with friends that I lost touch with but never forgot. People that popped in my head from time to time, just wondering how they were doing, how their kids were doing etc. Now I know everyone is super busy these days and with kids it's not going to lighten up it's only gonna get busier and busier and that's okay because that's the way life is. With that said it is hard to keep in touch with everyone, unless you are superwoman and just has everything under control and has the time to call and write notes and cards on people's birthdays, has the time to call and just say "what's up" on top of being a mom, a wife, and for some a co-worker.
For those of us who aren't superwoman there is Facebook. It reminds you when it's a friend's birthday, you get to see pictures of your friend's families, you get a small glimpse into their lives (via their posts), you get to "chat" online and you can send "notes" to each other.
I know people either hate it (my hubby being one) or love it. Whatever the case may be I have to admit that I'm one of those that love it and I love that I'm back in my friend's lives and they in mine.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A Couple of My Favorite Sites
If ever you're at a loss for ideas or your "creative" well has run dry you must check out this site, They have TONS of ideas. It's a site that goes around looking for ideas to post. If they like what they see on your blog/website they will link it to their website. It's kind of a "one stop" shop. Most of my favorite blogs have been found through this site and as a result, I am now a follower of those blogs.
If you are looking for thing to buy handmade then is the site for you. Well, actually it's a site for anyone and everyone who crafts. They sell supplies for all types of craft genres to actual items you can buy from people who make their living by way of their craft. I can spend hours...days just scrolling through all the neat treasures listed.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Glass Tile Pendants
Take a look are some glass tile pendants I finished up a couple of weeks ago. I'm currently working on some UT and A&M ones now.
I'm actually gonna be teaching how to make these at our Craft Small Group this Sunday. Now that I think about I think I'm supposed to teach the Scrabble Tile process....not too fond of the Scrabble tiles now that I've started working on the glass ones :)
I have a ton of sheets with little images that need to be cut. It shouldn't take long but I need to get it done before Sunday. This is gonna be a busy week. We will be hosting the Halloween Outreach at our house this Saturday and I have about 500 bags to fill with candy and rave cards....not to mention the 100 bags of cotton candy I need to pick up on Friday. I guess I should stop blogging and get to work, huh?
I have a ton to post and can't wait to get started. We finally got a new camera that is super easy to export so, as soon as I get home I'm gonna get started.
In my defense I have been really busy...the hubby and I are leading a small group for our church and I'm also co-leading in two other groups AND we are a house host for our Halloween Outreach this year. Plus I will be playing volleyball again starting in Nov. I've also started making some really cool Scrabble and glass tile pendants to wear.
However busy my life seems right now I must say that I am happy. I've reconnected with a friend after almost 10 years. I wish the circumstances were different but I am grateful none-the-less. She has been diagnosed with Leukemia and is in search for a bone marrow match. She is like a sister to me and I plan on going to get tested to see if I am a match for her because even after all this time...I would still do anything for her.
I've also been talking with my younger brother more. He is such a talented photographer and I want to start using some of his images for my pendants. We actually have more in common than we thought even with the 6 year difference :)
All is well in my life...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Congratulations to my Cousin, Sed!!!
I can't seem to upload pictures right now so I will attempt it again later tonight or this weekend.
Welcome baby Austin! I can't wait to see you!!! Congratulations Sedre and Christian.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Annie-Julie Aubry Giveaway
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Oh, well...maybe I'll consider maturing a year or two.....SIKE!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Another Go!
It's summer so the making TIME for it should be easier. If I can make it a habit during the summer then I think I can handle it for the rest of the year. My goal is to post at least once a day from wherever I am be it small & insignificant to huge and 'I can't wait to post this!'....the possibilities are endless!
Signing off for now
Thursday, February 26, 2009
In The Motherhood
AND in March it will be a new series on abc Although, the original ladies will not be the stars of the t.v. series, it looks like it will still be pretty funny. Megan Mullally from "Will and Grace", Cheryl Hines from "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and Jessica St. Clair of "Worst Week". I think once you are use to characters in a movie or show it's kind of hard to adjust to the new face. Kind of like when you read a book and then go see the movie that is supposedly based on the book then regret going to the movie but never the book. Reminds me of a saying I once read (on a t-shirt-I think) "Never judge a book by it's movie".
Either way I'm going to give it a chance. Anything that has to do with parenting & kids usually delivers. Plus the episodes are based on real mom experiences which are a lot like mine and I'm sure many others out there.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tween Trials
Long story short our son made a few comments that were very disheartening, he was disrespectful to an authority figure and according to him he didn't realize it. After we explained to him the possible ramifications of his words he then realized that what he said weren't just words.
Our son will soon be 13. He has been a straight "A" student all his school life. He is a very intelligent young man, he is funny, witty, friendly, charming.... He is everything a mom would want in a son. We are blessed that the Lord has entrusted him to us and I feel that we have done a good job in raising him so far. So, when stuff like this happens, which are far and few (very few) between, it kind of shocks us. My husband and I agree on what his punishment is but we are both left asking the same questions to each other...."why would he say that", "what was he thinking"? We've asked him and I feel he REALLY didn't see the severity of what he said. And if that's the case then we have some work to do. I know we will always have work to do when it comes to our children but some things shouldn't have to be retaught when they get to this age but we are learning also.
Our son is our first born and for almost 9 years it was just him and us and now that he's nearing his teenage years and he is having to share us with his two younger sisters. I've read enough books, listened to enough friends, gone to enough small groups to know that the tween and teenage years are critical. I just pray for continued wisdom and guidance from the Lord. I pray for the Lord to quicken our son's spirit. For that little voice in his head to be a little louder when it comes to making the right decision. And for us to listen to that little voice as well because had it not been for the Holy Spirit speaking (loudly) to me this morning, this very valuable and teachable moment would have been missed.
Monday, February 23, 2009
One of the blogs that I follow had mentioned on her most recent post that her book club was going to be reading The Shack soon and I commented that I had just finished reading it and for me, it was life changing (I will post on that subject later). I also mentioned that I would like to know her thoughts on it when she was done. Now I know this isn't exciting or glamorous in any way and I've commented on tons of blogs and never thought anything of it. Well! Girly Stuff commented on my blog!!! My first one! I know, isn't it exciting? I'm such a goof, I know, but I'm excited and I feel like I have a "blogland" friend. Although, Girly Stuff may be thinking "Oh no, what have I done" I promise I won't get stupid or silly by going on and on about my new friend but I just had to say something.
As you can see I don't even know how to "link" right and I'm sure I'm breaking some sort of blog etiquette and if I am I do apologize. I am reading up on how to do all this the right way.
Well, it's 12:35 am and I'm calculating how much sleep I will get tonight all-be-it very it was worth it :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sick Kiddo
I'm off to grab some work from the office and work from home today. I was really wanting to have some time to finish up my friend's valentine's gifts. We'll see how much I can get done work wise and house work wise. It's like my reward to work on my craft projects but only after I finish my, some things just never change do they?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
One Done!
I was pretty happy with the way they came out. I packaged them in little plastic bags with pretty metallic red and silver ribbon.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Blustery Day
I just got back from leaving my son at his first SAT test. My husband is helping a friend put up siding. Our girls are with my MIL and I'm off to run errands.
I plan on getting something done in the house today (if I'm here long enough).
Be back soon...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Oh, Beautiful Sunday
We have been blessed to have such great friends who pass down clothes that no longer fit their kiddos. My girls are 3 & 4 and they wear sizes 5 & 6 and a girlfriend of mine has two girls ages 7 & 8 and when she cleans out her closets....let's just say we hit the clothes lottery! This has been going on for about 2 years and let me just say...I don't have enough space! The clothes have now occupied 2 closets, one dresser and at least 2 laundry baskets. I've have asked DH to please put in two more closet rails (one in each closet) but after 2 years...nothing. I can't wait anymore. I've thought about installing them myself but then ran into this at WallyWorld. I put it together hung in the closet and tada! An extra rail to hang clothes. I only bought one thinking I may not like it but I was wrong. I will be returning to get at least 2 more.
I'm off to finish up.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Late Night
I'm gonna work on getting my pic up for my organization idea for hair "pretties" tonight.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's On!!
I love this blog! Sarah is so creative and Thrifty. When I saw the Mission: Organize & Declutter I got really excited. I've already organized all the girl's "pretties" (hair bows, clips, ribbon...). I'm having trouble with my camera so, I may have to post a pic later.
There are so many ideas already posted I can't wait to go through all of them. I really thought I was the only one who couldn't get a grip on the everyday duties of keeping a house clean and organized. But now I know there are others out there and we are all in this together. So, I look forward to getting and giving great ideas to get our homes Organized & Decluttered.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I hate being sick!
I'm not giving up though. I've already made a list of things that HAVE to get done in my house. I wrote down each room in the house and listed what needed to be done. I mean I could stand in any given room at any given time in this house and just feel completely overwhelmed and frustrated. I didn't know where to begin and trying to figure where to start was even worse. It would be so bad that nothing "major" would get done. I would end up doing something that was unnoticable. Does that make sense? I'VE HAD IT!!!
This weekend I tackled my living room. I vaccumed up all the things that get caught in the cushions, I went through all the detail work with a clean tooth brush to get all the dust out of all those little crevises. I'm a pretty visual person so I think this will be good. The best part is checking items off. My list is long but my desire to get this house organized and the way it should be is stronger.