Monday, February 23, 2009


I must apologize but I'm so excited right now. I spend so much time reading other people's blogs that I forget to update my own, well, I don't forget I just run out of time. Since I can't really get on until everyone is sleeping and I finish up cleaning this or that. And whatever little time I do have left I'm clicking here clicking there and before I know it, it's midnight or later and I realize if I got to bed now I'll get a good 5 hours of sleep....that' enough, right? So, I decided to get on and post an entry and just update on what's going on and what not. I click over to "view blog" because I love the way my blog looks, and I see this "1 comment" I actually gasped :)

One of the blogs that I follow had mentioned on her most recent post that her book club was going to be reading The Shack soon and I commented that I had just finished reading it and for me, it was life changing (I will post on that subject later). I also mentioned that I would like to know her thoughts on it when she was done. Now I know this isn't exciting or glamorous in any way and I've commented on tons of blogs and never thought anything of it. Well! Girly Stuff commented on my blog!!! My first one! I know, isn't it exciting? I'm such a goof, I know, but I'm excited and I feel like I have a "blogland" friend. Although, Girly Stuff may be thinking "Oh no, what have I done" I promise I won't get stupid or silly by going on and on about my new friend but I just had to say something.

As you can see I don't even know how to "link" right and I'm sure I'm breaking some sort of blog etiquette and if I am I do apologize. I am reading up on how to do all this the right way.

Well, it's 12:35 am and I'm calculating how much sleep I will get tonight all-be-it very it was worth it :)

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