Monday, February 22, 2010

Crafty-ness (part 1)

Thought I'd show some of the pretties I've made in the past. I get excited about a lot of little crafts that I want to try. Once I prove to myself that I can do it, it turns into a memory and nothing more. The longest "craft" I did was cake baking/decorating....take a look
Can you tell which one was one of my first? I really did like making these creations but they were so time consuming and I'm such a perfectionist that it took longer than it really should have not to mention the mess it left behind in my kitchen. Unfortunately the smell of butter cream icing turns my stomach now :(

I've also tried various forms of card making and stamping. I still do this craft on occasion. It really is fun and relaxing. I just wish I had more time to design and create them.
Of course being in Texas and all....mum making

That's all for now. I'll be back later this week to post some pictures of my jewelry "crafty-ness" and maybe some other crafts I've dabbled in.


  1. Cathy you are a craft dabbler like me! :)

    Of course, the cakes are just gorgeous and I'm sad you don't do that anymore!

    I enjoyed making the homecoming mum this year with Elisan. She liked to help make it too. I thought I'd be saving money by making it myself, but I didn't. The ones they were selling at school for elementary aged girls were about $5.00 cheaper and looked just as good. Oh well... Elisan enjoyed making/wearing it, so we'll be making another one again this year.

  2. wow your cakes are amazing!! I guess you watch Ace of Cakes and all that rigth?? :)

  3. PS I love the little hearts card!
